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Yesterday 11:38 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 10:08 pm » wrote: What's dull about it might not be readily apparent to an American, but this is occurring on the global stage. 

Trump is asking a nation's president to allow a defeated enemy to remain on his lands - or at a minimum, to withdraw from those lands without answering for any of their crimes against the local people they brutalized and raped, etc. Asking that he allow these defeated and surrounded troops to go back and get re-armed so they can be used against his population again, with better generals. And he is making that impertinent request in the wake of waging a proxy war against his nation - nay, WHILE, ONGOINGLY TODAY, waging a proxy war against Russia. The ukies are still using US intel daily to send US weapons of mass destruction daily against Russian civilians. Daily. 

Evidently, Trump believes that he can say a few nice things about Putin, make a few vague and never-to-be-honored assurances, and then Putin will get all puffed up - a bad dog with a fresh new "good" name to protect - and act against his nation's interests. He's treating Putin like an idiot. The scheme is transparent on the level of a 5 year old child trying to play psychological games with an adult - and the entire world is watching. 

Naturally, Putin did not say no. He's a diplomat. He said sure, we will refrain from killing them. Happily. They can surrender, instead.

The reason those Ukies will not surrender is that there are thousands of complaining witnesses they would have to face. The reason Ukraine will never tell them to surrender is that those witnesses will be captured on video giving their testimonies at trial. 

Russia is the victim in all of this. The US is the actual perpetrator. The bureaucrats at the EU, some European nations, and Ukraine are the stooges and accessories. But it was the US that ousted Ukraine's president in an orchestrated coup and installed a puppet government and instructed it to start a war with Russia and ordered the destruction of Nord Stream 2 and imposed tens of thousands of sanctions to cripple Russia's economy and placed a price cap on Russian oil and in all other ways tried to get Putin ousted by making the Russian people miserable. And all of this was so that the west could loot Russia. 

The request Trump makes is predicated on the pretense that this "misunderstanding" is getting resolved on accounta Trump is back and finally there's an adult in the WH, and Putin would do well to show some good will on Russia's part - let the world know that Russia isn't ALL bad. That it can be reasonable - give Trump something to work with, here. And embedded in that is every lie the west has told over the last decade and a denial of every crime the west has committed over the last decade. Telling Russia to play nice and show "good faith," while our ordinance is still targeting Russian civilians using American intel to find their targets, is just **** childish. 

The day of reckoning has arrived - and childish games are not going to forestall the consequences of the west's crimes. The world is not just watching. It's reacting. And Trump's dull move is the opposite of damage control. It has everyone shaking their **** heads in disbelief. It is as disconnected from reality at the EU's and Britain's and France's continued pledges to the green t-shirt, whose sands are very, very nearly all finished running through the hour glass.
Why couldn't Putin come out and "tell it like it is" when he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson...?

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